Remote Tech Jobs 2023:How to find a Remote job free

Remote Tech Jobs 2023:How to find a Remote job free

In a world ruled by technology, the demand for tech-related things is always going up. And with that, jobs are popping up everywhere. Out of all of them, one of the best jobs to have is in remote tech jobs.

The Rise Of Remote Work

Remote work has totally changed how employment works. We’re no longer tied to those dull 9 to 5s anymore. Instead, we can work wherever and whenever we want. It’s opened up doors for many people who wouldn’t be able to jump into certain careers if it wasn’t there.

Understanding Remote Tech Jobs Sale

Tech sales professionals fill the gap between the newest tech and people like us who want it. They don’t just sell it either, they make sure that whoever they sell it to is happy with their purchase.

Types of Remote Tech Jobs

As nations worldwide was hit by the Coronavirus pandemic, many employers learned that most job opportunities in offices could be done at home. Even though the fact that it happened out of requirement, some sectors and jobs were always the perfect fit for remote tech jobs. The global pandemic simply showed it. Here are a few cases:

  • Programming/IT
  • Data entry
  • Web design
  • Sales
  • Marketing
  • Writing
  • Editing
  • Data analysis
  • Accounting

In the end, regardless of your skill set, There is kind of obviously a work-from-home job out there for you.

How hard is to Find Remote Tech Jobs Sales

There’s a new trend that’s been growing, remote work. With this trend comes a problem. Finding a job that is completely remote is much harder than finding the same kind of job that isn’t remote. The world works on supply and demand, and for now the demand for remote work thrives. Unfortunately, there just isn’t enough jobs like it to meet that demand. Because of this getting a job where you can work from anywhere can be challenging and sometimes even more difficult than finding a regular office job with the usual hours 9-5.

Searching for remote tech jobs requires a planned approach. In the journey of finding them there are few steps that can help, especially if you don’t know where to start. Utilizing online job search platforms can simplify things, so does networking and showcasing your expertise.

If you want to stand out from other applicants, consider what else you could do to set yourself apart. A solid track record in the field your applying for is a given. But you’ll also need a resume that’s carefully crafted and optimized for application tracking system (ATS) software. You can’t forget about having an excellent interview either. Going the extra step to get creative might seem like it’s not works the squeeze, but it can really pay off big time. The hiring manager will definitely take notice of you then.

Scams of Remote Tech Jobs

Many “opportunities” for remote tech jobs are scams. Luckily, you can avoid most of them by looking out for a few important things.

  • Firstly, the language used within their job posting. If they’re offering something too good to be true like “make money fast” or “unlimited earning potential” then it’s probably false advertising.
  • Secondly, if they ask for personal information during the application process or earlier in the onboarding phase this is a huge red flag. It could mean that they’re not a legitimate employer.
  • Lastly, if they want some sort of payment before you even begin working for them that’s another sign that it’s a scam.

Benefits of Remote Tech Jobs

Being at home when working comes with its own benefits alone. Getting to choose when you start and finish your day is something most people dream of but can never get with a normal job. That’s only one of a handful of reasons why someone would want this job though.

If you could use some knowledge, you’re in luck. There are surveys out there that might just help.

Consider Buffer’s “State of Remote Work” report, where they asked 2,118 remote employees from 16 different countries a bunch of questions about working remotely. This includes the question “Would you recommend remote jobs to others?

And what did they say?
An unbelievable 97% of people that answered said “yes”.

Steps to obtaining Remote Tech Jobs

Discover what type of remote work you’re Best at

When picking remote work, there’s a few things you need to consider. You don’t want to spend hours applying for a job that you’re not qualified for after all.

Here are a couple of factors:

When it comes to remote jobs, you have to find a way to apply your current skills and training.

It doesn’t mean you have to find the same exact job, but if you’re looking for an example, data entry is a good fit if you’ve worked in an office before. However, there are other things that you can use.

Take your attention to detail for example, it’s worth more than just plugging numbers into spreadsheets. You can use that skill as a Virtual Assistant (VA), or something like live chat customer service.

Make a list of all of your professional talents, no matter how small they seem. Put it on another page from your present resume. Also include any software you used to communicate with people and manage projects.

When it comes to our professional lives, there are certain skills we love using. For instance, imagine you’re in the middle of a data entry scenario. Do you like working with spreadsheets or would you prefer something that requires more typing? If it’s the latter, then you should consider a transcription job instead.

Now go over your list of talents and training. Make the ones that you enjoy using and wish for more opportunities to use at work bold or highlighted. As you do this, you’ll start to figure out what kind of work from home tasks interest you the most.

The next step in achieving your dream of working remotely is figuring out what employers value. Knowing this will allow you to better tailor your skills and resume to match their expectations.

What Remote Employers are in Search for

A job requires certain skills, but there are three things all remote employers look for.


Time tracking software is used by some remote jobs to ensure you don’t slack off. But most of them trust you to be honest about your work times. This means that remote employers need to trust you when you say you’ll finish the work on time.

Passion for your work:

When it comes to remote jobs, employers want to know that you’re going to be motivated and stick around for a long time. Seeing your passion and love for work can help make them feel better about hiring you knowing they’ll be gaining a valuable team member.

Adaptability / tech-savviness:

While it is self-explanatory, this one still bears repeating. Remote businesses tend to use a wide variety of software and will always seek out any new tools that can improve their collaborative processes. You need to show them that you’re able to quickly pick up on the tools they currently use and any other ones they might go on to adopt.

In simple terms, they want to know if they can depend on you. If they can trust you, not just enough to do a good job but also learn new skills when necessary.

Create a resume for Remote Tech jobs

When it comes to remote tech jobs applications, your resume is still key. You’ll want to use a visually appealing template, third person language, and focus on how you can benefit the employer on it. Making sure it’s easy to read and spelled correctly is also essential.
But there is one difference when it comes to remote work. You need to integrate yourself into a remote team when working from home 👉

For example, you could talk about your experience with platforms like Dropbox or messaging apps like Discord. It’s important to connect with a potential employer and show off how you know their tools.

When you’re writing your resume, make sure to keep in mind that you need to tailor it in a way that passes ATS software. Don’t worry if you have no idea what that is. ATS stands for Applicant Tracking System and it’s widely used by employers to keep them organized when they have to go through a ton of resumes.

To optimize your resume for the ATS, include relevant keywords from the job description. However, don’t just randomly slap them in there. Make sure they fit naturally into what you’re writing. One thing to avoid like the plague is using overly artistic fonts. Along with readability issues, it makes it really hard for the machine to actually read what you wrote down which will tank your chances of getting hired.

The last guideline is something you should use whenever you write anything: make everything clear and simple. So no fancy words or big sentences. By doing this, recruiters will see your resume as a breath of fresh air and hire you on the spot.

Qualities of a Successful Remote Tech Salesperson

The make or break of a successful remote tech seller is how they carry themselves. Having certain skills and traits can either make or break you. Being able to communicate your ideas effectively, being adaptable, and having a strong grasp on technology are just a few qualities that can lead to success.

Preparing for the Remote Tech Jobs Interview

Remote interviews are whole different ball game. They require a type of skill not everyone has. Below, you’ll find tips on how to land your dream tech sales job through virtual interviewing.

You’ve got the basics down for finding a remote job. Now let’s prepare for that interview and get you one of those jobs:

  • Dress the best. Even though you may not have to go out and meet people, or even get dressed up in the morning, it’s still important to make a good impression. For most jobs this means wearing business casual.
  • Consider Best background. One of the benefits of a virtual meeting is that you can hide what’s behind you, use it! Many apps let you replace what’s behind you with an image, so pick something professional if you don’t have a suitable space at home.
  • Be ready for questions specifically about remote work. FlexJobs has put together a list of the most common questions asked in an interview for these types of jobs. They’re all simple, but they’re all crucial to know before hopping on a quick zoom call.
  • Most importantly, try your best to stay calm and confident throughout the interview. Show them that you’re capable of doing more than just working from home; you’re also capable of handling the specific tasks they assign to you.

Being in this industry, there’s no doubt about the importance of technology and the right tools. Be sure to use them correctly and efficiently. Doing so will enhance your remote sales career.

Places to Find Remote Tech Jobs

If you already know what kind of jobs you’re interested in and have built a resume for it, then it’s time to start looking for those jobs. There are countless online job boards that focus on job postings, and some even specialize in specific industries and job types.

Below 👇
you’ll find the best online job boards for finding full-time work along with some sites made for freelance jobs. If you want even more options, don’t forget to check out our page 😎

Best places to find full-time remote work


Remote Tech Jobs
Credit: FlexJobs homepage

On the FlexJobs website, you’ll find a job board filled to the brim with remote and hybrid opportunities. There are openings in many different industries. Almost all of them are full-time with a small few part-time and freelance jobs.

2. We Work Remotely

Remote Tech Jobs
Credit: Remotely homepage

A job board, a Top 100 Remote Companies list, and resources for those who want to work remotely can all be found on We Work Remotely. It has jobs in every industry, but most commonly offers positions in programming, design, system administration, customer service, and sales/marketing.

3. Jobspresso

Remote Tech Jobs
Credit: Jobspresso homepage

Jobspresso is a job board and talent marketplace. It’s packed with tech, design, marketing, and customer support jobs. If you’re looking for a specific job you can search for it or just post your resume so employers can find you.

Best places to find freelance work


As the name suggests is all about freelance jobs and short-term remote contracts. With thousands of listings that are always updating and easy to filter through this site makes it hard not to find something to work on. You can filter by project length, payment method (hourly or fixed), and required languages.

2. Fiverr

How to find a remote job on Fiverr
Credit: Fiverr Homepage

The Fiverr platform is a bit of an outlier on this list. It doesn’t just offer a regular job board where you’ll have to apply and wait for an opening. What it does is let you create a type of freelance portfolio with your services up as “Jobs”. You can create everything from writing and translation gigs to design, digital marketing, and audio/video production.

The Future of Remote Tech Jobs

Looking for the next big trend in remote tech sales? Then you’ve come to the right place. This industry is always changing, and it’s crucial that you adapt with it. By doing so, you’ll stay on top and set yourself up for long-term success.

Don’t forget to bookmark this article! You’re going to want to do that when you need guidance on finding a remote job in the future.

Anything else? Let us know in the comments if there’s something else you’d like to know about landing a good remote job.


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